Cost: PKR 36,000 Million (USD 130 Million equivalent)
Timeline: Trunk Interceptor – Oct, 2013 (start date) and Dec, 2024 (completion date)
Sewage Treatment Plant-I at Haroonabad, Keamari, Karachi – Sep, 2014 (start date) and June, 2026 (completion date)
Sewage Treatment Plant-III at Mauripur, Keamari, Karachi– Sep, 2014 (start date) and June, 2027 (completion date)
Consultant: Techno Consultant International Pvt. Ltd.
Scope: The scope of S-III Project is as follows: -
Trunk Interceptor -- The construction of Trunk Interceptor in Lyari River up to the Sewage Treatment Plant-I at Haroonabad, Keamari to bring 100 MGD of sewage at the site. The work has been completed over the entire length of 4.3 km in 2018. Sewage coming from Orangi and Gujar Nullah shall drain into trunk interceptor comprising 100 MGD as average flow, while peak flow shall be 126 MGD.
Sewage Treatment Plant-I at Haroonabad, Keamari, Karachi – Sewage Treatment Plant I with a design capacity of 100 MGD was initially conceived in the project in 2014. However, the contractor on the site has been asked to complete and run initially 35 MGD of treatment facility and later the treatment shall be enhanced to 65 MGD. The existing scope includes; construction of 100 MGD pump house, a conveyance system, and rehabilitation of the existing structure. By September 2024, the progress on site is as under:-
- Civil works are 58% completed;
- Mechanical works are 29% done;
- Electrical works shall be rolled out soon.
The treatment plant shall be completed by June 2026.
Sewage Treatment Plant-III at Mauripur, Keamari, Karachi –
- As per contract, the scope of project includes three stage rehabilitation and development of treatment facilities. In the first phase, rehabilitation of 54 MGD existing treatment facility is envisaged. In the second phase, the treatment capacity is required to be enhanced from 54 to 100 MGD. In the third and last stage, 80 MGD of treatment should also be added. The project shall deliver facilities; the Main Pumping Station, Raw Sewage Channel, Inlet Works, Secondary Pumping Station, Anaerobic Lagoons, General Pumping Station, and Sludge Drying Beds. The capacity of the six oxidation lagoons has been upgraded to 100 MGD.
- The plant is currently treating 30-35 MGD of sewage and discharging it into the sea as per Sindh Environmental and Quality Standards (SEQS). KW&SC undertakes regular monitoring of discharge of treated sewage;
- A 29 km trunk interceptor has been completed with sewer connection works ongoing; and,
- KW&SC is also reviewing to introduce modern treatment methods at STP-I and STP-III and start recycling of available effluent.